Advanced Portraiture/Fashion

Start :   25/09/10

Finish:  10/12/10

Module code: FDLBMWBL4

Module title:
Lens Based Media in Practice (studio)
Part 2 “Advanced Portraiture/Fashion”
Module Co-Ordinator:
M WInterlich
Module Tutors:
M. Terry A. Legg


In this assignment students will explore in depth a range of specialist studio practice and approaches in image making using controlled light sources.  All students will apply processes that meet the needs of commercial and creative professional practice and will build upon knowledge acquired in pre requisite units.  Students will research the main market outlets for images through individual research and understand the requirements for meeting client briefs.  This unit will allow students to develop their own working methods and to develop an approach that understands that specialist categories often merge and overlap in general professional practice

Learning outcomes                                                       Evidence

LO1      propose and appraise a solution to a work related problem.

LO2      predict and evaluate the potential or actual outcomes of the proposal and impact on future working practices.

LO3      assess and draw conclusions from the value of work related learning experiences in relation to their future career path.

Practical work, portfolio of prints, research – workbook.

Assignment brief

a)    make a number of portrait images of a person (or people) that attempt to reveal some of the character of the person.
b)    Make a number of images designed to sell clothing or fashion items. 

You should employ a camera format you feel appropriate and explain your choice. The relationship between the sitter/model and the photographer should be explored as part of your underpinning research and you should detail the methodology of your approach within your workbook.

The use of studio lighting can be broadened to include location work.

Short projects will be undertaken to reinforce the themes and techniques associated with this brief.

Stage 1: Attend a verbal briefing and discussion with tutor on project brief
Stage 2 :Carry out research into specialist studio practice
Stage 3: Discuss preliminary ideas/approach with tutor.
Stage 4: Finalise ideas and approach.  Arrange for sitters to come to studio/location
Stage 5: Book studio and equipment for shoot.
Stage 6: Carry out shoot.  Book sitters into college and observe all health and safety guidelines.
Stage 7: Process and evaluate work.  Schedule re-shoots if required.
Stage 8: Prepare final images for presentation. All research and documentation to be in workbook
Stage 9: Present work to tutors and peer group.

Submission of work

5-10 final printed images.

Image files to be submitted on disk:
All final images - at high resolution, suitable for high quality printing
Any other relevant images that you feel show the development of the piece of work.
Maximum of 10 files.


Deadline: 10th December 2010.