Thursday, 25 November 2010

Studio Short Assignment 2

For my next short assignment i chose to create an image which had a graduate for the background. I chose to do this assignment as i thought it sounded like it would create a very interesting image.

This is the image that i created which uses a gradient as the background. I'm really pleased with this image as i think it used a gradient very well. It starts from quite a dark grey colour and softly changes to a light grey colour. I am really pleased as this is what i was trying to create. To do this i simply placed a softbox directly above the bottle which created the gradient.

Dark Field Lighting

For this short assignment we had to look into what dark field lighting is and create our own photo that uses the technique.

Dark field lighting is a lighting technique used in studio photography when photographing objects that are clear or nearly clear, such as glass or clear plastic objects. There are a few different ways of creating dark field lighting but the most popular is to use two lights, one at either side of the object facing the side of the object. This is then usually combined with a dark background so that only the edges of the object show.

Here is the photo that i took while trying to create dark field lighting.

Overall i am a little unpleased with the image. I used two softboxes, one at each side of the scene. I think i didn't quite recreate dark field lighting as there is too much detail in the glass. I added the bottle to add some interest but i think this may not have worked as the white label has bounced a lot of reflections into the glass. Also i think the angle of the softboxes could have been improved as as the white stripes down the sides of the bottle are a little too wide. Overall i think it is a reasonably good image but i think it needs some work to make it fit into dark field lighting.

Saturday, 20 November 2010


I've decided to do location fashion and i've had my first shoot. It went pretty well but still need to do 1 or 2 more shoots.

Here are a couple of my shots from the shoot.

Seeing The World

I've now taken all of the images for my "Seeing the World" brief. I'm looking at the current decline of seaside towns and the project is based on the local town, Hornsea. I'm really pleased with the series of images as i think it definately portrays the message.

These are two photos from the series. I'm presenting the work as a book printed by, i'm really excited to see the final thing.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Building Bricks

For this assignment i chose to take pictures of my favourite abandoned building in Hull. As i'm a big fan of derelict photogaphy i thought this would be a good subject.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

'Building Bricks'

Stupidly, i read the 'Building Bricks' mini assignment wrong. I thought we had to take photos of small sections of several buildings but then read the assignment just now and realised we have to take several photos of the same building.

Hopefully i'll be able to do this assignment tomorow as i have a building in mind to take photos of.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

5 Second Portraits - Mini Assignment

This week we were given our second mini assignment to do. This time we have to do 2 at once, for the first i decided to do the 5 second portraits and i'm not sure which i'm going to do for the second assignment yet.

I decided to do 5 second portraits as i think it would really push me out of my comfort zone as approaching people in the street is something i've never done before. I found my first experience of this to actually be quite successful and beneficial. At first i found it really hard to approach people and ask them if i could take their photo but then i got into it and started to find it easier as my confidence grew. I found it hard at times when people would say no or get quite defensive and want to know why, but i just got over it and carried on.

Here are the five photos for this first mini assignment this week. I used a 50mm lens at f/4.5, ISO400.

Overall i came away with some photos that i was actually quite pleased with. I think it went quite well and i can definately see it being something that i do again and develop my own style a bit more.