This week we were given our second mini assignment to do. This time we have to do 2 at once, for the first i decided to do the 5 second portraits and i'm not sure which i'm going to do for the second assignment yet.
I decided to do 5 second portraits as i think it would really push me out of my comfort zone as approaching people in the street is something i've never done before. I found my first experience of this to actually be quite successful and beneficial. At first i found it really hard to approach people and ask them if i could take their photo but then i got into it and started to find it easier as my confidence grew. I found it hard at times when people would say no or get quite defensive and want to know why, but i just got over it and carried on.
Here are the five photos for this first mini assignment this week. I used a 50mm lens at f/4.5, ISO400.
Overall i came away with some photos that i was actually quite pleased with. I think it went quite well and i can definately see it being something that i do again and develop my own style a bit more.